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Independent wannnabe

well, im going to start a talk about my sister. SHE IS GOING TO KUALA LUMPUR 2 DAYS MORE. And I'M RUINEDDDD !! you know what? habis laa, aku sorang la nak kena jaga nephew aku yang super bloody damn maha naughty !! And i need to handle masalah dapur jugak. Ni jugak the biggest problem that i will face soon., MASAK !! okay, seriouslyy ! aku tak pandai masak. Okay, aku ni jenis open dan tak suka hipokrit nii.. Yes ! I CAN'T COOK. but telur dadar, nasi goreng, sayur campur tu aku superb la sikit. Tapi, ayah aku ni jenis suka makan gulai (kari). So, i needed to learn how to cook it from my sister., And Alhamdulillah, everything was just fine and i'm also senang nak belajar. Ya la, desperate gila doughhh !! Hari tu dia cakap 8/9 hb baru dia berlepas dengan Dibah, tapi, this day, she got a call and informed her about the interview. Start hari jumaat. Mau tak terkejut aku. Ya la, i thought i would be safe sebab probably dia nak berangkat ke KL lambat lagi. Tapi tadi, she told me that i need to be prepared physical and mental. Sengal je aku dengar ! So, esok dia nak test aku masak gulai. So, i better be prepared and will be ready to face with a lot of mental breakdown from them. Ya la, semua mulut kalau boleh kritik, kalah juri masterchef ! memang penamporr nak bagi, tapi ingat deme tue lagi pada hambo ! I need to respect them, no matter how wicked them are. So, AIMAN ! BE PREPARED FOR YOUR WAR AND BATTLE SOON.
Thanks For Reading. You Are Awesome
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