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Feast as a Fiesta !!

Alhamdulillah, praises be to Allah cuz i still can breathe until now. And Thanks to Allah cuz has opened my heart and soul to update a post. Haha. Actually, i was attending a feast this afternoon. Kenduri Akikah la katakan. Hahaha. Anyway, the feast was so lively and many people came to celebrate the kenduri. Even it was just kenduri akikah, it was looks like a wedding ceremony. haha, Siap sekali dengan Deejay Doughhh !! Haha, i was wondering too, Apekebendenye kenduri akikah ado Deejay bagai. Hakhakhak. Finally, i found out that he is the only son of the couple. Owh, i see. So, it was really joyous gila nak mamppss . I didn't enter the house, But i got know something that they were giving somethings like habuan lepas orang makan kenduri kan dapat bunga telur laa, apa lagi hah. Tapi depa bekalkan something inside the bag. But, sesiapa yang masuk rumah tu, dapat lah habuan dia. For me, it was just a souvenir laaa.. Apa aku kisah. Setakat coklat, aku pon boleh beli. hahaha. Then, masa yang emas ni lah mak ayah aku jumpa sanak saudara mereka. Hahaha, it was so noisy like a riot.
But, the meals were so delicious. Mak kata, it was a beef. BEEF?? Daebakk !! I was like ahhhh Pitam jap. I ate a lot ! Like a person who never eat any food in her life ! Kisah pulak aku, As long as i'm full ! Hahaha, First of all, i reach some fish 3 rasa, *taksilap aku* i thought they were chickens. So apa lagi, terjah laa aku melantak bagai segala-galanya. Then, i smelled on it . FISHHHH ? hahaha, So, bedil je lar. Then, Sup kerbau, Seriously, it was opening my appetites la derr.. Then, i saw Kerabu mempelam ! yang ni memang aku tak boleh belah. Ambik kerabu mempelam ni sampai separuh pinggan aku terjah kau JAHH !! Hahaha. It was my breakfast and of course my lunch. I hadn't eaten anything since i was waking up from my bed this morning. Kesadisan terpancar di muka aku. So, aku pon melantak dengan aman dan damai.
After that, i ate Bubur jagung . Allah, this bubur seriously marvelous tahap PURPLE. With the sweetness yang still terasa dalam mulut aku sehingga sekarang. Wafi pun makan bertubi-tubi . He said *CEDAPPP* So, aku apa lagi, sumbat la dalam mulut si Casper tu. hahaha. Then, lama punya lama mak aku jumpa adik beradik, sanak saudara sejagat dia, akhirnya, Wafi meragam. Dia menguap berdas-das. Mengantuk Rupanya Kecik tu. Owh, i forgot, actually lepas makan je kenduri , we had to send Hadi to his School. He was having 3 days 2 nights at home. So, hari ni saturday, So budak tu pon kena balik asrama. Kesian. Hahaha. Then, we decided to perform our solah at any nearby mosque. Finally, we arrived.
Time aku nak pi ambik wudhuk, Ya Allah, the toilet is so creepy. Time aku bukak pintu, bunyi pintu tuu. ERRGHHH. sounds spooky ! Then, aku ambik air wudhuk dengan cekal hati. hahah. Then, mak and kaklong arrived with little casper. So, aman sikit aku ambik air wudhuk. Then, after we finished perform our solah, Si Wafi ni boleh pulak terkinja-kinja lari dalam masjib. Sibbaik tak dak sapa dalam masjid tu, It was only us. Lari-lari macam masuk marathon dunia yang silap-silap boleh kalahkan Usain Bolt, Budak ni MUNTAH PULAKKK dalam masjid. Allahurabbi. Hanya Allah ja yang tahu perasaan kami. Then, Hadi ambik napkin budak tu, kak long cuci muntah budak tu. So, selesaiii. Alhamdulillah.
Then, we continued our journey. Finally, had arrived at Hadi's School. Sekolah Menengah Teknik Alor Setar. Dekat ja. tak macam aku, Taiping nun sana. But SMT Taiping always in my memories no matter what happened. Budak Wafi ni pulak meragam ! nak ikut si Hadi ni masuk dalam sekolah budak tu. Menangis laa.. Then, lepas ditenangkan oleh Ayong *kaklong*. Lega laa sikit. Tak sampai 5 minit, dah terlelap dah si Casper tu. Alhamdulillah.
So, that's all for today. Lately, aku macam malas nak update. Entah sebab apa. Just let it be. If there's any idea comes, i will update another post. In Sya Allah.
Thanks For Reading. You Are Awesome
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