Have a good morning, everyone. It maybe weird that i am updating new post in this early in the morning. I just wanna to share with you all. Every second, when i'd opened facebook, i saw everything about couple, lovey dovey and many more. First time, i felt " ohh, it sweet. Hope they will together till forever." Second time, " Bie, why you didn't pick up your phone, i need you right now. Where are you, Bie?" Third time, " Bie, Why you asked me to break with you, i'm still love you, Bie" Fourth time, after broke up " I want to suicide ! Why he left me? why? why? Why there's no people love me" okay, pause it right there. Kalau boleh, aku nak je penampaq orang yang buat macam ni. SERIOUSLY!! Apakah bodohnya dia nie. Astaghfirullah, aku pulak yang terlebih berapinya. Actually, i am not heading this post to somebody. It is general.. OKAY? i just wanna to share.
Girls.. Don't you stuck with any sweet talk by any guy easily. Especially underage. You know, couple is trouble. I said this to myself too. Okay, actually, i never used to couple with any guy and i'm proud OF MYSELF because i still can control my lust. BUT, perasaan suka tu memang lumrah manusia. I like someone. Maybe he likes me too. *perah santan di pagi hari* But, i latent my feeling from express to him. I only keep it in my heart. If i need someone to expose my feeling, i will tell my trustful friend, and i believed she wouldn't tell anybody. I LOVE YOU buddy ! I will share my happiness and sadness with her. She will noticed my feeling through my face. And she will asked me. I will not crying in front her. i just pretending to be patient but in fact my heart was so hurt. Even that guy loves me too, i wouldn't asked him t couple but praying if we're meant to be, it will be. And if we're not meant to be, just still friend and praying for ourselves to get the good life partner soon. In Sya Allah ..
That was me. So, GIRLSSS, don't you easily give your love to any guys.. You really not boring by change your boyfriend? I have a lot of experiences about this. I have a lot of friends with different behaviors. Aku dah masak dengan perangai depa. If they broke up, they will find another guy. And, that time too, I think " Was they not boring by looking, seeking love from another guy? " And i just let them swam by their feeling. And lantak kau lah. Aku sebenarnya pon bukan pernah couple. haha ! Kalau lelaki tu couple dengan hampa sebab dia nak kahwin dengan hampa, Alhamdulillah mungkin dia jodoh hampa. Bukan senang nak jumpa lelaki macam ni.. But not trust him 100%. Mintak petunjuk Allah jugak. But, my opinion, couple in this underage will ruin our studying. MY OPINION LAHH.. kalau hampa boleh imbang pelajaran hampa, tak pa. Tapi, jagalah batas pergaulan tu. Syaitan sentiasa nak sesatkan kaum2 Nabi Adam dan Hawa. Tapi, jangan plak couple syok2, pelajaran down. Baik pi kahwin terus. =) babble.. babble.. babble..
REMEMBER THIS !! if there's no GUY love you, DON'T YOU EVER THINK THERE'S NO PEOPLE LOVE YOU !! you still have your parents, friends and your siblings. They still love you, girls ! AND, ALLAH ALWAYS LOVE HIS HAMBA ... IF YOU REMEMBER ALLAH, ALLAH WILL REMEMBER YOU FREQUENTLY.
Ingat, Allah tak bagi pasangan kepada kita pada waktu muda ni sebab Allah simpan cinta sejati kita untuk orang yang layak saja iaitu SUAMI kita. Allah tak bagi kita couple sebab CINTA KITA MAHAL. TAK SENANG DIRAGUT OLEH MANA-MANA LELAKI YANG SUKA KITA KERANA NAFSU DAN NAK COUPLE DENGAN KITA BUKAN SEBAB DIA NAK KAHWIN DENGAN KITA.
Jangan risau, girls. Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. ALLAH DAH TETAPKAN JODOH KEPADA KITA. KITA HANYA MAMPU BERDOA AGAR DAPAT JODOH YANG TERBAIK. Ingatlah, bercinta lepas kahwin lebih best berbanding cinta sebelum kahwin.. THIS IS TRUE !
okay, that is what i wanna to share. hope you guys will think twice about this. I own NOTHING. i just wanna to share with you all. AND ONE MORE THING, this post not heading to anybody.
Yang baik datang daripada Allah SWT, dan yang buruk datang daripada kelemahan Iman sendiri.
Assalamualaikum.. and PEACE YAAWW...
tetiba nak munasabah diri sendiri di pagi hari. terasa lega sikit. Alhamdulillah.
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