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Morning at the Kitchen

yaww peeps, today, my sister and me have cook a special meal for the afternoon.. kami bertiga telah membuat ayam paprik yang sedap. actually, it was my sister's idea.. she loves to cook.. i salute at her because all of her cook is marvellous and finger lickin' good.. hehehe..
today too, i have to clean my house too.. yeah, tomorrow, my elder sister will back with her buddies.. so, we need to tidy our house because our house is pretty mess! ermm,, you won't believe when you enter my room.. actually, lately, i felt so lazy until i don't want to clean my room.. but, thank Allah. i got an inspiration to clean my room... huahahaha...
kak long.. drive carefully with your friend.. we at the village always pray your safety journey.. insyaAllah
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