Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good Bye 2011, Say Hello To 2012

hyeeyoo peeps.. ahhhhhh!!!! dah nak masuk tahun baru... sedih nak tinggalkan 2011... macam2 perasaan pada tahun 2011.. tahun 2011 adalah tahun yang PALING BEST !!! HAH!! tak sangka umur iman dah nak masuk 16 tahun.. sungguh taksangka !! pejam celik pejam celik, dah 2011 nak menutup tirai... rasa macam kelmarin iman ambik periksa PMR.. hahahaha... 2011 banyak meninggalkan kenangan yang tak dapat iman lupakan.. kisah dengan sahabat handai, choir group, PMR dan macam2 lagi.. dulu, iman suka sangat bila nak msuk umur 15.. ya la, kan ada lagu Taylor Swift, FIFTEEN.. 

okey, buat kali terakhir nak nyanyi lagu FIFTEEN by Taylor Swift.. 
Thank You 2011, hope 2012 will be better than 2011.. InsyaAllah...

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Friday, December 30, 2011

beroperasi semula setelah 5 hari mati akal..

yawwww peeps, alhamdulillah.. akhirnya. internet di rumah iman dah kembali operasi setelah 5 hari tak boleh buka.. entah la sebab apa tak boleh buka... yang hairannya, satu kampung iman tak da... nasib baik tak macam yang dulu. Dulu, internet rumah iman takdak smpai 1 bulan ! iman memang mati akal tak tau nak buat apa.. nak tahu ceritanya.. press this... 

entry kali ini sangat sikit.. kepala serabut...

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blues Clues

rawwww peeps ! actually, tajuk kat atas takde kena mengena dengan entry ni.. iman tak tahu nak buat theme apa, so, iman just hentam la... actually, when i want to put the theme, i looked around  my room.. suddenly, aha!! i've changed my bedspread and my comforter.. hikhikhik.. from pink tu blue.. so calm and i like it ! so, i wrote Blues Clues, korang ingat tak ada cerita Blues Clues dulu.. hahaha, dulu-dulu, iman selalu tengok cerita tu.. because it has a dog which has a blue fur.. hahaha... =) cute one! 

okey, actually, iman tak tau nak post entry yang mcam mna.. mood iman random sekarang ni, xde sedih, takde gembira.. biasa-biasa je.. iman pon tak tahu nak buat apa.. out of my mind? lose control. chillax! iman tak sawan lagi.. bored? yeah! i'm just kinda bored in this time..

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love In The Ice

heeyyooo peeps.. this night is so boring.. i don't know to spend my free time.. hurgh! things that i always do is go to the the mirror, smiling like insane person..  pretend that i'm happy but i didn't.. who cares?? only Febreze *refresher* behind me.. yeah! i always online in my bedroom, i don't care what people are saying... that's my business and not your bleeping business... *babble* okey,okey,okey.... maybe i'm not your type.. but i'm still proud of myself.. maybe, in this time, you still text with your girl.. you will smile and laugh.. but, you won't notice that i've been stalked you.. hahaha! you won't know that.. i always pretend that i don't love you, but, i'm sick for loving you... 

nonsense at night make me happy..

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mindless dreaming

yahhoooo... peeps.. hari ni agak menggembirakan sebab kak long nak balik rumah.. hehehe.. boleh bawak pegi jalan2.. lagi pun, boring duduk kat rumah.. kak long balik dengan kwan2 dia.. esok tak silap iman kak long nak bawak kengkawan dia pegi pusing2 aloq staq.. then, kak long nak bawak kami juga.. ni yang sayang kat kak long.. hehehe... 

why i keep dreaming about you.. come on moron! don't  think about him again.. he's already has his girl.. he's already find his girl... leave me alone ! don't you dare to appear your silhouette in front of me... i've been sick because of you...  the end !

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Morning at the Kitchen

yaww peeps, today, my sister and me have cook a special meal for the afternoon.. kami bertiga telah membuat ayam paprik yang sedap. actually, it was my sister's idea.. she loves to cook.. i salute at her because all of her cook is marvellous and finger lickin' good.. hehehe.. 

today too, i have to clean my house too.. yeah, tomorrow, my elder sister will back with her buddies.. so, we need to tidy our house because our house is pretty mess! ermm,, you won't believe when you enter my room.. actually, lately, i felt so lazy until i don't want to clean my room.. but, thank Allah. i got an inspiration to clean my room... huahahaha... 

kak long.. drive carefully with your friend.. we at the village always pray your safety journey..

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Koreans Food

Anyeong!!! huahahaha.. tuesday ago, biha and iman cari pelbagai masakan korean... kebanyakan makanan korea pedas-pedas.. biha suka la mkanan pedas2.. eman pon tahu mkanan korea ni pon melalui cerita korea... sekarang ni, seluruh negara dah di-influence oleh korea.. sapa tak kerdip mata tengok ke-handsome-man lelaki korea dan ke-beauty-an perempuan korea.. korea sama ja ngn cina dan jepun.. smuanya mata sepet2.. kulit putih melepak..... heyh! suka2.. weyh3!! ni dah keluar tajuk dah ni.. BTW, iman nak la jugak merasa makanan korea ni.. makan dlam gmbaq dah la.. =) as what i see, makanan korea nie mcam2 warna.. warna-warni lagi youuuu.... hehe.. lets check it out

this is sashimi roll.. sashimi ni tak silap iman isi ikan.. korang dapat lihat pda top roll tu ada isi ikan.. actually, there's a lot type of sashimi.. 

yang ini pulak ddukbokki.. ddukbokki ni pedas.. so, gembira lah wahai cousinku, ainatul nabihah.. * she loves spicy food*

this is cute bibimbap.. * actually nma dy only bibimbap, cuma suka nak bubuh comel kat bibimbap coz bibimbap is so cute and colourful.. bibimbap ni lebih kurang macam nasi campur la.. klau kat Malaysia kita panggil nasi campur, kalau kat Korea is Bibimbap.. =)


Jjamppong is mixed up noddles, meat, seafood, vegetables soup

ddeokguk * rice cake soup*

jeonbokjuk * abalone porridge*

aduh! lapar la tgok makanan2 kat atas.. terasa nak makan ramyum... 

ramyun noodles.. ramyun nie macam maggi kat malaysia.. tapi, kat korea diorang panggil ranyum.. unik kan? 

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

i have love you for a thousand years

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling, don't be afraid
i have love you
for a THOUSAND years..

-christina.perri "A.Thousand.Years" 

okeyh, word kat atas tu maybe boleh buat iman menangis coz teringat dekat 'dia'. tutup google site, nampak gambar 'dia' kat desktop background.. hurm... it's so hard to say that i have to let you go...

mood tak ade, entry pon less content.. wa kisah pe, wa tengah sedih.. =(

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Leave Them ALONE

hye peeps... today, iman terima result PMR... Alhamdulillah, iman takde fail.. tapi, iman redha dengan ketentuan ILAHI.. takpa2, SPM ni, iman struggle smpai nak gila... aish! hihihi.. owkeyh! 

why i can't prevent myself to forget him.. he always appear in front of my eyes.. i always think about him every second.. please, stop pretend that i don't love him.. but i do.. i do love him.. i can't hide this feeling again. every time i saw him, my heart will gulp.. how i can prevent that i don't love him... he always visible! i don't know if he keep his heart to me, but that won't happen because he always friend with more typo girl such that a beautiful, wise, and white-looked.. i know i'm not a kind of them but he always staring at me with a different speculation that might be i will recognise that he has a same feeling with me..  

but, suddenly, i dapat tahu that he got a flying colour.. after that, i've been stalk that girl. she also got the flying colour.. they're meant to be.. i can't interrupt their relationship because they love each other... if it is right.. you know, i always bluffing for myself that i think  that he loves me too.. but, i was wrong.. it out of sense.. i just day dream and just have been chestnut.. so embarrassing... if he knows that i was keep a space of my heart to him, he will laugh.. yeah, i'm not like his wants.. i just a girl who always flattering myself.. i just an ordinary girl....

hope both of you will glad each other...
sorry for my english broken.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

..... Random ......

wa boring + sedih + geram + marah + sayang

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Counting day For The Result make me Shiver !

anyeong! 4 days later ! yeah.. result PMR kluar 22hb ni.. iman tergetar-getar.. hanya mampu berserah dan bertawakkal saja... apapun keputusannya, iman akan redha ja... =') 

SpeechLESS ~ 

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Saengil Chukka Hamnida Xiah Junsu!

Happy Birthday to Xiah Junsu... May God Bless You! 

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Spontaneous Tuesday...

Mood :: BAD! hurmm... mood tak baik mesti entry pon low content !

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1st Contest Gambar Saya Menarik !! by Ain

Bonjour Peeps! this day, i've stalk a few of blogs. kebanyakan contest. Wa kisah apa... Wa masuk je contest.. hahaha... asalkan menarik hati wa.. heheheh.. tapi, wa takde rezeki nak menang lagi even wa masuk banyak contest kat blog.. hhehe... maybe bukan rezeki wa. * bhsa kuang hajo! * hehehe.. sorry la, ari ni, iman takde mood sangat.. asyik marah jer.. =(  tapi, after saw this contest, my heart turned gold.. hehehe..!!
let's chilll out!

the ingredients! i mean the conditions...

  • must have a blog..
  • *Wajib*
  • follow blog Ain. Senang untuk tahu maklumat tentang contest ni..
  • Lelaki atau perempuan boleh masuk contest ni..
  • mesti buat entry tentang " 1st Contest Gambar Saya Menarik!! by Ain
  • copy banner contest dan letakkan di dalam entry tersebut serta linkkan ke blog ini
  • suka hati nak letak berapa gmbar yang menarik dan letakkan caption sekali.
  • tag 3 rakan blogger anda dan pastikan mereka tahu tentang contest ni
  • hantar link contest ni ke comment box..
  • Tarikh Tutup - 20/12/2011
The Huge Present
  • First Winner - top up RM15 + blog review
  • Second Winner - top up RM 10 + blog review
  • Third Winner - top up RM5 + blog review
  • Fourth and Fifth Winner - top up RM3/header + blog review
  • Sixth and Seventh Winner - blog review 
for more information, visit AIN

Gambar 'Menarik' Iman

gambar ni kat Sentosa, Alor Star... nak pi main bowling.. hikhikhik.. my right is my Best Cousin Forever.
( BCF)

gambar ni waktu iman and the gang pergi ke rumah cikgu.. =)

gambar ni diambil di MRSM Balik Pulau. waktu ni, iman pegi ambil kakak iman... 

captured in front of my house.. this time, iman tengah menonton adik iman dan cousin sedang bermain badminton... 


p/s.. addicted to participate blog contest! actually, i'm not hoping to win this contest because more participants are more impressive! iman just nak memeriahkan contest.. hikhikhik... THE END

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Contest : I'm A Super Cutest Blog by Faz and Erin

yawww peeps, this mid night... iman ade intip satu blog nie.. blog ni organize the contest.. it's look like interest.. of course! that way iman participate! hikhikhik... actually, lama iman tak masuk contest kat blog ni... sesekali nak mencuba nasib.. haha! insyaAllah.. kalau ada rezeki, iman menang.. kalau tak dak rezeki lagi, insyaAllah, iman akan berusaha lagi.. hehehe... let's find out the contest..

the conditions of the contest..

  • follow blog FAZ dan ERIN untuk tahu perkembangan contest ini * wajib jugak!*
  • letakkan banner contest cute di atas dalam entry korang
  • buat satu entry yang bertajuk Contest : I'm A Super Cutest Blog
  • Don't Forget To Print-screen your blog's picture
  • tag sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang rakan anda dan let them know this contest
  • tinggalkan link korang dekat blog Faz atau Erin
  • link anda mestilah terus pergi ke entry contest
  • Tarikh Penyertaan ----- 7/12/2011- 15/1/2012 

The Present!

  • First Winner - Necklace + Shawl + Topup
  • Second Winner - T-shirt + Bracelet
  • Third Winner - Shawl + Clip Ribbon
  • 3x Saguhati - Blog Review

For More Information... Visit Faz Or Erin

Print-screen blog Iman

iman harap iman menang contest ni.. insyaAllah.. =)

iman tag..



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