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Everything Will Change Tomorrow..

today, this is my last time i will spend my time with my bedroom, bed, lappy, and everything in my room.. hurmm.. memang sukar lah nak ubah sesuatu dalam hidup.. for example, life at HOSTEL.. errkk... actually, i really like to stay at hostel. that's because all my sister have live at hostel... so, my mum wants me to learn how to survive at 'asrama'. ala... memang lah, kalau dua hari duduk kat hostel pon, dah homesick.. right? so, i have to comfort myself at there and secara 'auto' saya akan menjadi salah seorang 'AsramaRian' hahaha... memang tak percaya yang iman akan duduk di asrama.. harap2 tak homesick.. iman have to be strong for face with the future.. yeah! kenapa orang lain boleh, sedangkan kenapa iman tak boleh? semua orang boleh duduk asrama, tetapi, insyaAllah, kalau kita yakin kita boleh buat, insyaAllah.. Allah akan tolong kita.. =) Aminnn
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