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please ! don't torturing me like this.. i don't need a love in my age right now.. if i got my love, i will suffering.. don't you dare appear your love in front me.. i know i need your love, but it doesn't mean that we're meant to be.. no ! we doesn't know where our pathway right know.. we doesn't know our destiny, life partner.. soon, we will know with Allah willing.. Allah determine our love, destiny, life and death.. we should know all of that.. don't we just fun with love until we forgot to Allah.. Allah create us to perform our kindness, to pray of Allah.. and never hope we do the wrong things.. the wrong things such as 'zina'.. Astaghfirullah, protect Your servant.. don't sad, iman.. you will find your best partner soon.. InsyaAllah... so, don't you sad..
dear dark lover, insyaAllah.. we will destined together.. we have to trust with "qada' and qadar" Allah..
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finally, dah boleh beroperasi jugak blog ni... kalau tak dia akan naik 'adiwidget??' apa benda tu?? ha!! mari kita saksikan bagaimana benda ni operasi di blog iman..
ha!! ni la benda yang selalu appear kat blog iman if korang tekan link blog iman.. right?? precisely! iman pon mula2 memang geram gila arr... tetiba ja mai muncul kat blog iman.. haish! mati kutu tak tau nak buat pa.. terpikir nak buat blog baru.. iman pon buat la blog baru.. sedang ja seronok2 buat blog baru, *padahal tak syok pon.. kena banyak tenaga arr nak kerah demi mencipta blog baru.. * tiba2, blog baru iman pon jadi naik macam gambar atas tu.. then, iman cari la tang mna salah silap nya.. YESS!! rupa2nya... salah satu HTML yang iman guna dimasuki virus * kot ya la*.. dengan senang hati iman buang arr... SELESAI dan SELAMAT! boleh la ber-blogging lagi ! hehehehe... SEKIAN TERIMA KASIH!!!
stay at hostel is better than stay at home?? which is better??
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hyeeyyooo... hahahaha.. lama tak jumpa.. actually, this day, my family organized 'kenduri akikah' for my first nephew.. pheww.. it was exhausted but happy.. banyak orang datang, sampaikan tak cukup tangan nak bantu.. haish! xpala.. asalkan dah selesai.. actually jugak, tomorrow iman will back to taiping again... iman nak sangat dok kedah lama2.. yo la.. iman rindu kat family iman.. you know, one week like one year at hostel!! really tortured you know... every 'maghrib time' kami selalu kena 'rokol' usually, kami baru junior, tapi tak ta.. next year, we will ragging our junior !! hahahaha.. gila jahat.. xde arr macam tu.. kami baik !! hahaha
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today, this is my last time i will spend my time with my bedroom, bed, lappy, and everything in my room.. hurmm.. memang sukar lah nak ubah sesuatu dalam hidup.. for example, life at HOSTEL.. errkk... actually, i really like to stay at hostel. that's because all my sister have live at hostel... so, my mum wants me to learn how to survive at 'asrama'. ala... memang lah, kalau dua hari duduk kat hostel pon, dah homesick.. right? so, i have to comfort myself at there and secara 'auto' saya akan menjadi salah seorang 'AsramaRian' hahaha... memang tak percaya yang iman akan duduk di asrama.. harap2 tak homesick.. iman have to be strong for face with the future.. yeah! kenapa orang lain boleh, sedangkan kenapa iman tak boleh? semua orang boleh duduk asrama, tetapi, insyaAllah, kalau kita yakin kita boleh buat, insyaAllah.. Allah akan tolong kita.. =) Aminnn
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heyyyyaaa peeps! today, iman and kakak dibah pergi pasar malam kat Langgar, Alor Setar.. actually, we decided to go by riding bicycle, then, pakcik Lan offered himself to send us at pasar malam.. hahaha.. rezeki jangan ditolak.. kihkih.. kakak diba perhabis semua duit simpanan dia... actually, bukan duit dia, duit yang mak iman bagi sewaktu ketiadaan beliau.. mak iman pegi overseas... so, kena la tampung duit untuk kami yang still sekolah nie.. hikhikhik.. kak dibah dah habis SPM, just waits for her result this March..

erm.. actually tomorrow will be my last day at SMK Langgar... i will departure to Taiping for my next school.. i will attend to SMV Taiping on this Monday.. i really upset because i will leave my friend and teacher.. that's really sad.. too much memories that i've been through... happy, sad, enraged and everything that we've been through.. i hope we will contact each other ! and become a good buddy for my best friend ! i won't forget you all... all my laughs, tears... i will keep all of that.. i promise !! kenang ku dalam doa mu..
mungkin iman takkan dapat masa nak bukak blog, update blog.. that's because iman akan duduk kat hostel... =) so.. i really sorry because i will not write any entry after this.. maybe, 1 entry for 1 month ! ahhh!! really tortured ! =(
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anyeong peeps... hurm.. maybe, this is my last entry for this month... maybe too, i will not get an opportunity to post my entry.. mulai form 4 ni, i will strive very hard.. i won't my huge mistake repeat again.. i want my family will happy and smile toward me because my successful. insyAllah.. probably, my PMR result for this year not too bright... i was upset. but i've accept all of that.. and i really thankful to Allah for giving me a chance to repair my mistake again.. Alhamdulillah... as my sister said, PMR is nothing. But SPM will determine where's my future.. my goal is want to take TESOL course.. i really love english subject..
i hope my dreams become true.. insyaallah... struggle never die..
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