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yeah!! i realized that i am a stupid girl... and i know i was too moron when i was messaging with you.. aku percaya bulat-bulat apa yang ko kata.. memang aku respect gegilerrr la bila ko kata ko tak nak couple berbagai... aku pon percaya la cakap ko.. then, kita dah tak mesej macam dulu.. selalu jer ko free bila nak mesej ngn aku.. aku tau muka ko tu suci, muka baik... so, i trusted you 100%... memang best la.. bila dah lama tak mesej, i just wondering why you didn't messaging with me again... maybe you are a busier man.. it's okay... i believe you buddy.. but, why??? why you hide that you already have a girl... a lover.. why?? you suppose to tell me that you already have a special one.... please don't make me have another feeling toward you until i know that you already have a girlfriend... memang best la apabila ditipu petak-petak !! aku sedar siapa aku... i'm not wise like you... but, please !! jebal !! jangan buat aku tertanya-tanya yang ko tu dah ada GF or not.. you said to me that you don't want to couple in your teenage life... you ARE LIER !! tak sangka aku...
have i need to trust another sweet talk from another guys ??there's no NEED !!!!my last sentences..AKU TAK SUKA DITIPU !!!!
Thanks For Reading. You Are Awesome
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