Saturday, August 18, 2012

Shawl Story

Le Aieman all is in ! heewwpp peeps, 1.09 a.m. Fifteen's song on my mind. soo what!! today, i can't sleep. yeah, maybe morning ago, i was sleep well. from 9.30 until 4.00. Thank to Allah, i still able to pray for that time.. pheeww.. soo, this quiet night, i feel like i can't sleep. So, i will do the crazy things. you know me right? can't be separate with my camera'llssss. =) so, im gonna tell you. i used to collect a lot of shawl sampaikan aku tak larat nak pakai. Sejak aku stay kat hostel, aku rasa malas nak pakai shawl. Entahlah, rasa rimas sangat. nak kena belit2 bagai. Tetiba rasa menyesal pulak dah membazirkan duit beli benda yang macam tu. well, you know a woman like me has 9 lusts. So, it is a normal lah kan. don't make it like a strange thing. Dulu-dulu, aku tak pikir panjang, main beli ja. hhhhhoooooooooowwwwyyyyyyyeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
I don't care anymore. that's all my properties. nobody can take that from me unless want to borrow. okey, aku baik jugak . setakat bagi pinjam dah la . 

 i love this pink plain shawl.
senang nak membentuk.
 thank to my sister, she has bought this shawl for me. 
shawl nie pon senang nak membentuk

 this is a gift from my sister. love you more more lah sister.

 gifted by my first sister. 
polka dot cotton shawl. 
lembut giler shawl nie

 a present from my fourth sister. she gave this shawl for me
sayang hang Dibah

 bought this at Zon Ria. it has 4 colour seasoning
easy to shape

 gifted by my lovely mother.
batik's edition

 diamond shawl. bought this at pasar malam.

 kak teh's money. weeeee... she bought this to me.

 NAH!! ambik kau. shawl aku nie memang tak cukup kepala nak pakai

 diamond shawl

  button shawl.

muka aku semua yang poyo's. there's no cute . 
2.45 AM. still fresh.

Thanks For Reading. You Are Awesome

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